
Causes and Prevention of Tooth Decay During Sleep

Gingivitis during sleep is caused by too much water in the mouth, and I think we have all had it at least once. However, if the gums fall out a lot, it may be a sign of a disease or an abnormality in the body. Here are some common causes of sleep apnea and how to stop them.

Why do gums fall out?

When we fall asleep, the surface muscles and the swallowing movements are completely relaxed. However, as the gums accumulate during sleep, the relaxed surface muscles open up a little, causing a drop of gums to fall out. Hypersalivation can also be a sign of neurological disease or nasal congestion. In addition, people with other health problems, such as atherosclerosis, tend to lose a lot of gums.

How to reduce tooth decay..?

Do not cover your nose – People with a stuffy nose are more likely to have gum disease if they breathe through their mouth. Here are some ways in which having a nasal decongestant can help you.

A warm bath opens the nose and normalizes night breathing. Essential oils containing eucalyptus oil can also help improve breathing and help you sleep better. Use products that help you open your nose and breathe better.

Lose weight – Sleep apnea and sleep disorders have been linked to weight gain. More than half of the American population suffers from sleep disorders and are obese.

Keep your head up – Using a high pillow while sleeping can also help reduce gum disease. Before going to bed, you should take care of your pillow to make it swell and comfortable.

Change your sleep patterns – I think everyone will agree that sleeping on your lap can keep the gums in your mouth from falling out while you sleep. But sleeping on your back is the opposite.

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